06-345 5002

Dimensions of Light

We have an open Mediation every Saturday at 10.30. It is a guided Meditation that one of our Mediums or guest speakers will facilitate. Everybody is welcome to join, We encourage those wishing to develop spiritually to attend these open meditations.

We have Development Groups to develop your spiritual gifts that run in the evenings.
Our healing group is for those that wish to do planetary healing, learn more about spiritual healing or just have a platform to practice their healing modalities with others in the group.

Our spiritual development group is for those that want to enhance their spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, physic connections & healing self.
Both groups are intended to develop your spiritual awareness and gifts, to understand and experience your spiritual purpose.

Healing and development Groups are closed groups and are offered to those who express an interest in developing and who attend Saturday’s events.
Such as Meditation which is at 10.30, Talks & presentations on clairvoyance at 11.30, or workshops we offer.

We have a longer meditation (1 hour) offered on the second Saturday of every month called a sonic light bath which is held at 3 pm and costs $14.
Kevin and Natasha play a collection of crystal-infused Chakra bowls, happy drums, Tuning folks, and Crystals. Be transported to the higher dimensions of light.

What we offer is development meditation groups, workshops, spiritual philosophy, guidance, and healing to assist you on a pathway opening and understanding of your true self.

Kevin & Natasha, spiritual mediums have joined together their knowledge and experience to assist in the opening of your awareness and higher consciousness. For all those willing to explore and find their spirit, within the dimensions of light.

This program of light is evolving energy, aspects of which change to meet the needs of individuals, this allows for specific energies of light and sonics to be used as needed. We offer a variety of options to assist you with this.

As spiritual beings, WE are inseparable from nature and the elements. We are inspired by our experiences and our travels, they reflect the energies of light that we are working with and our link to spirit, as we grow and change so too do the planet, nature, and the elemental forces.

We will continue to change as we evolve, leading us and you to a higher understanding and experiences of our true purpose.